Scam Alert – July 2024

Be careful with WhatsApp messages like below from an unknown number. Some dishonest recruitment companies are selling your data to these scammers. They will contact you at the same time you are looking for a job so it may seem legit,
They will also tell you that a recruitment company passed your message to them.

We currently have part-time and full-time jobs, age requirement 22+

Data Provide Users

💼Job scope
Optimize Data (Non-technical)

Own a Device with network

🕛Time & Venue
Own time own target, work remotely
Over 22 years old

💰Salary Package
Basic salary + commission system
Part Time – 1000GBP- 2000GBP Five Days
Full Time – 10000GBP- 30000GBP Thirty Days




What happens next?

They show you a very simple online tasks that is insanely stupid but makes money. THey will then mentally push you to invest for a big return. You will get some return on small investments then the final one will never return anything.

Technically they target vulnerable people with convincing stories and take away £1000 – £20000 from your bank account without any traces.

To make the story more convincing, they will add you on a WhatsApp group of people who talk about luxury life style as they signed-up to the same scheme. All fake!



Beware the Business Email Impersonation Scam: A Guide to Protecting Your Company

In today’s digital age, businesses face an increasing number of cyber threats, with one of the most pernicious being the Business Email Impersonation (BEI) scam. Also known as Business Email Compromise (BEC), this form of cybercrime has cost companies billions of dollars worldwide. Understanding how these scams work and implementing measures to protect your organization is crucial for safeguarding your assets and maintaining trust with your partners and customers.

What is Business Email Impersonation?

Business Email Impersonation is a sophisticated form of phishing attack where scammers pose as trusted figures within a company—such as CEOs, executives, or trusted vendors—to deceive employees into transferring funds or disclosing sensitive information. These attacks are meticulously planned, often involving extensive research on the target company and its personnel.

How Does It Work?

  1. Research and Planning: Scammers gather information about the company and key employees through social media, company websites, and other online resources.
  2. Spoofing or Hacking: They either spoof an email address to look like it’s coming from a legitimate source or hack into an actual email account within the organization.
  3. Sending the Email: The scammer sends an email to a targeted employee, typically someone in finance or HR, with a request to transfer money, provide sensitive information, or click on a malicious link.
  4. Manipulation and Pressure: These emails often create a sense of urgency, pressure, or confidentiality to prevent the victim from verifying the request.

Real-World Examples

  • The CEO Scam: A scammer impersonates the CEO and sends an urgent email to the finance department requesting a wire transfer to a “vendor” who is actually the scammer.
  • Vendor Email Compromise: Hackers compromise a vendor’s email account and send fraudulent invoices to the company, which are then paid to the scammer’s account.
  • Payroll Diversion: An employee in HR receives an email that appears to be from an executive requesting changes to direct deposit information, redirecting paychecks to the scammer’s account.

Impact on Businesses

The financial implications of BEI scams can be devastating. Companies have lost hundreds of thousands, even millions, of dollars to these schemes. Beyond financial loss, these scams can damage a company’s reputation, lead to legal complications, and erode trust with clients and partners.

Protecting Your Business

  1. Employee Training: Regularly train employees on how to recognize phishing emails and the importance of verifying requests, especially those involving financial transactions.
  2. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA): Implement MFA for email accounts to add an extra layer of security.
  3. Email Filtering: Use advanced email filtering solutions to detect and block phishing attempts.
  4. Verification Procedures: Establish and enforce procedures for verifying requests for sensitive information or financial transactions, such as confirming requests by phone or through a secondary email address.
  5. Monitor Accounts: Regularly monitor email accounts for suspicious activity and set up alerts for unusual login attempts.
  6. Incident Response Plan: Have a plan in place for responding to email impersonation attacks, including steps for reporting the incident to authorities and communicating with stakeholders.


Business Email Impersonation scams are a serious threat that requires vigilance and proactive measures. By educating employees, implementing robust security protocols, and fostering a culture of verification and caution, businesses can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to these scams. Stay informed, stay alert, and protect your organization from cybercriminals seeking to exploit trust and urgency for their gain.

In-Depth Industry & Ecosystem Analysis

Whether you are building an enterprise web portal or a state-of-the-art website, you always need the right modern tools. Well-built and maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing developers to save time, re-use code, and streamline the back end. As software development tools continuously change to follow the latest. Despite the competition from startups and the ever-present economic challenges, the banking industry is gradually adopting what the latest technologies have to offer.

From cloud technology to cyber risk management to machine learning in investment banking, join us as we explore the banking industry trends for 2019 and beyond. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Cloud Technology as New Foundation

Cloud has become the new normal for nine of ten enterprises across industries. The average IT environment in both SMBs and larger companies is becoming increasingly cloud-based. Companies also diversify their delivery models, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) gaining more and more traction. Plus, a slew of new job positions have emerged to manage different aspects of cloud in the enterprise, including architecture and safety.

One of the new trends in the banking industry, ensuring fail-safe security will also be a core question regardless of the type of a cloud solution and its scale. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Existing risk management systems at banking organizations might not be ready to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Poised to become the top banking industry trends for 2019 and years to come, AI-driven solutions with machine and deep learning algorithms provide a solution. As for cyber risk management, experts at Deloitte point at the following trends in the banking industry:

  1. Strengthen basic controls like IT asset, patch, and vulnerability management to identify and manage risks related to implementation of cloud and migration to open architecture.
  2. Use analytics tools and AI with security in mind.
  3. Build an IT infrastructure with security as a top priority: it should be able to withstand systematic attacks and long stress periods.
Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Fintechs and nonbanks now have a substantial influence in the banking industry. They are highly agile, innovative, and aim at exceeding the demands of modern customers in banking services and experiences. Established retail banks need to compete and often play catch-up. Still, they acknowledge the need to change, and change fast.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Thus, adopting the same approach is a potent solution for retail banks that aim at adopting the latest trends in the banking industry quickly and impactfully.

5 Questions for Connected Product UX

Whether you are building an enterprise web portal or a state-of-the-art website, you always need the right modern tools. Well-built and maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing developers to save time, re-use code, and streamline the back end. As software development tools continuously change to follow the latest. Despite the competition from startups and the ever-present economic challenges, the banking industry is gradually adopting what the latest technologies have to offer.

From cloud technology to cyber risk management to machine learning in investment banking, join us as we explore the banking industry trends for 2019 and beyond. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Cloud Technology as New Foundation

Cloud has become the new normal for nine of ten enterprises across industries. The average IT environment in both SMBs and larger companies is becoming increasingly cloud-based. Companies also diversify their delivery models, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) gaining more and more traction. Plus, a slew of new job positions have emerged to manage different aspects of cloud in the enterprise, including architecture and safety.

One of the new trends in the banking industry, ensuring fail-safe security will also be a core question regardless of the type of a cloud solution and its scale. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Existing risk management systems at banking organizations might not be ready to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Poised to become the top banking industry trends for 2019 and years to come, AI-driven solutions with machine and deep learning algorithms provide a solution. As for cyber risk management, experts at Deloitte point at the following trends in the banking industry:

  1. Strengthen basic controls like IT asset, patch, and vulnerability management to identify and manage risks related to implementation of cloud and migration to open architecture.
  2. Use analytics tools and AI with security in mind.
  3. Build an IT infrastructure with security as a top priority: it should be able to withstand systematic attacks and long stress periods.
Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Fintechs and nonbanks now have a substantial influence in the banking industry. They are highly agile, innovative, and aim at exceeding the demands of modern customers in banking services and experiences. Established retail banks need to compete and often play catch-up. Still, they acknowledge the need to change, and change fast.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Thus, adopting the same approach is a potent solution for retail banks that aim at adopting the latest trends in the banking industry quickly and impactfully.

Augmented Reality Platform By Google

Whether you are building an enterprise web portal or a state-of-the-art website, you always need the right modern tools. Well-built and maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing developers to save time, re-use code, and streamline the back end. As software development tools continuously change to follow the latest. Despite the competition from startups and the ever-present economic challenges, the banking industry is gradually adopting what the latest technologies have to offer.

From cloud technology to cyber risk management to machine learning in investment banking, join us as we explore the banking industry trends for 2019 and beyond. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Cloud Technology as New Foundation

Cloud has become the new normal for nine of ten enterprises across industries. The average IT environment in both SMBs and larger companies is becoming increasingly cloud-based. Companies also diversify their delivery models, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) gaining more and more traction. Plus, a slew of new job positions have emerged to manage different aspects of cloud in the enterprise, including architecture and safety.

One of the new trends in the banking industry, ensuring fail-safe security will also be a core question regardless of the type of a cloud solution and its scale. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Existing risk management systems at banking organizations might not be ready to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Poised to become the top banking industry trends for 2019 and years to come, AI-driven solutions with machine and deep learning algorithms provide a solution. As for cyber risk management, experts at Deloitte point at the following trends in the banking industry:

  1. Strengthen basic controls like IT asset, patch, and vulnerability management to identify and manage risks related to implementation of cloud and migration to open architecture.
  2. Use analytics tools and AI with security in mind.
  3. Build an IT infrastructure with security as a top priority: it should be able to withstand systematic attacks and long stress periods.
Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Fintechs and nonbanks now have a substantial influence in the banking industry. They are highly agile, innovative, and aim at exceeding the demands of modern customers in banking services and experiences. Established retail banks need to compete and often play catch-up. Still, they acknowledge the need to change, and change fast.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Thus, adopting the same approach is a potent solution for retail banks that aim at adopting the latest trends in the banking industry quickly and impactfully.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

- Paul Tournier

Content Ideation: Tools & Techniques

Whether you are building an enterprise web portal or a state-of-the-art website, you always need the right modern tools. Well-built and maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing developers to save time, re-use code, and streamline the back end. As software development tools continuously change to follow the latest. Despite the competition from startups and the ever-present economic challenges, the banking industry is gradually adopting what the latest technologies have to offer.

From cloud technology to cyber risk management to machine learning in investment banking, join us as we explore the banking industry trends for 2019 and beyond. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Cloud Technology as New Foundation

Cloud has become the new normal for nine of ten enterprises across industries. The average IT environment in both SMBs and larger companies is becoming increasingly cloud-based. Companies also diversify their delivery models, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) gaining more and more traction. Plus, a slew of new job positions have emerged to manage different aspects of cloud in the enterprise, including architecture and safety.

One of the new trends in the banking industry, ensuring fail-safe security will also be a core question regardless of the type of a cloud solution and its scale. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Existing risk management systems at banking organizations might not be ready to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Poised to become the top banking industry trends for 2019 and years to come, AI-driven solutions with machine and deep learning algorithms provide a solution. As for cyber risk management, experts at Deloitte point at the following trends in the banking industry:

  1. Strengthen basic controls like IT asset, patch, and vulnerability management to identify and manage risks related to implementation of cloud and migration to open architecture.
  2. Use analytics tools and AI with security in mind.
  3. Build an IT infrastructure with security as a top priority: it should be able to withstand systematic attacks and long stress periods.
Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Fintechs and nonbanks now have a substantial influence in the banking industry. They are highly agile, innovative, and aim at exceeding the demands of modern customers in banking services and experiences. Established retail banks need to compete and often play catch-up. Still, they acknowledge the need to change, and change fast.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Thus, adopting the same approach is a potent solution for retail banks that aim at adopting the latest trends in the banking industry quickly and impactfully.

How Smart Cars Will Change Cityscapes

Whether you are building an enterprise web portal or a state-of-the-art website, you always need the right modern tools. Well-built and maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing developers to save time, re-use code, and streamline the back end. As software development tools continuously change to follow the latest. Despite the competition from startups and the ever-present economic challenges, the banking industry is gradually adopting what the latest technologies have to offer.

From cloud technology to cyber risk management to machine learning in investment banking, join us as we explore the banking industry trends for 2019 and beyond. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Cloud Technology as New Foundation

Cloud has become the new normal for nine of ten enterprises across industries. The average IT environment in both SMBs and larger companies is becoming increasingly cloud-based. Companies also diversify their delivery models, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) gaining more and more traction. Plus, a slew of new job positions have emerged to manage different aspects of cloud in the enterprise, including architecture and safety.

One of the new trends in the banking industry, ensuring fail-safe security will also be a core question regardless of the type of a cloud solution and its scale. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Existing risk management systems at banking organizations might not be ready to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Poised to become the top banking industry trends for 2019 and years to come, AI-driven solutions with machine and deep learning algorithms provide a solution. As for cyber risk management, experts at Deloitte point at the following trends in the banking industry:

  1. Strengthen basic controls like IT asset, patch, and vulnerability management to identify and manage risks related to implementation of cloud and migration to open architecture.
  2. Use analytics tools and AI with security in mind.
  3. Build an IT infrastructure with security as a top priority: it should be able to withstand systematic attacks and long stress periods.
Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Fintechs and nonbanks now have a substantial influence in the banking industry. They are highly agile, innovative, and aim at exceeding the demands of modern customers in banking services and experiences. Established retail banks need to compete and often play catch-up. Still, they acknowledge the need to change, and change fast.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Thus, adopting the same approach is a potent solution for retail banks that aim at adopting the latest trends in the banking industry quickly and impactfully.

The Simple Iframe Hack

Content Ideation: Tools & Techniques

Whether you are building an enterprise web portal or a state-of-the-art website, you always need the right modern tools. Well-built and maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing developers to save time, re-use code, and streamline the back end. As software development tools continuously change to follow the latest. Despite the competition from startups and the ever-present economic challenges, the banking industry is gradually adopting what the latest technologies have to offer.

From cloud technology to cyber risk management to machine learning in investment banking, join us as we explore the banking industry trends for 2019 and beyond. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Cloud Technology as New Foundation

Cloud has become the new normal for nine of ten enterprises across industries. The average IT environment in both SMBs and larger companies is becoming increasingly cloud-based. Companies also diversify their delivery models, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) gaining more and more traction. Plus, a slew of new job positions have emerged to manage different aspects of cloud in the enterprise, including architecture and safety.

One of the new trends in the banking industry, ensuring fail-safe security will also be a core question regardless of the type of a cloud solution and its scale. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Existing risk management systems at banking organizations might not be ready to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Poised to become the top banking industry trends for 2019 and years to come, AI-driven solutions with machine and deep learning algorithms provide a solution. As for cyber risk management, experts at Deloitte point at the following trends in the banking industry:

  1. Strengthen basic controls like IT asset, patch, and vulnerability management to identify and manage risks related to implementation of cloud and migration to open architecture.
  2. Use analytics tools and AI with security in mind.
  3. Build an IT infrastructure with security as a top priority: it should be able to withstand systematic attacks and long stress periods.
Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Fintechs and nonbanks now have a substantial influence in the banking industry. They are highly agile, innovative, and aim at exceeding the demands of modern customers in banking services and experiences. Established retail banks need to compete and often play catch-up. Still, they acknowledge the need to change, and change fast.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Thus, adopting the same approach is a potent solution for retail banks that aim at adopting the latest trends in the banking industry quickly and impactfully.

Content Ideation: Tools & Techniques

Whether you are building an enterprise web portal or a state-of-the-art website, you always need the right modern tools. Well-built and maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing developers to save time, re-use code, and streamline the back end. As software development tools continuously change to follow the latest. Despite the competition from startups and the ever-present economic challenges, the banking industry is gradually adopting what the latest technologies have to offer.

From cloud technology to cyber risk management to machine learning in investment banking, join us as we explore the banking industry trends for 2019 and beyond. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Cloud Technology as New Foundation

Cloud has become the new normal for nine of ten enterprises across industries. The average IT environment in both SMBs and larger companies is becoming increasingly cloud-based. Companies also diversify their delivery models, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) gaining more and more traction. Plus, a slew of new job positions have emerged to manage different aspects of cloud in the enterprise, including architecture and safety.

One of the new trends in the banking industry, ensuring fail-safe security will also be a core question regardless of the type of a cloud solution and its scale. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Existing risk management systems at banking organizations might not be ready to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Poised to become the top banking industry trends for 2019 and years to come, AI-driven solutions with machine and deep learning algorithms provide a solution. As for cyber risk management, experts at Deloitte point at the following trends in the banking industry:

  1. Strengthen basic controls like IT asset, patch, and vulnerability management to identify and manage risks related to implementation of cloud and migration to open architecture.
  2. Use analytics tools and AI with security in mind.
  3. Build an IT infrastructure with security as a top priority: it should be able to withstand systematic attacks and long stress periods.
Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Fintechs and nonbanks now have a substantial influence in the banking industry. They are highly agile, innovative, and aim at exceeding the demands of modern customers in banking services and experiences. Established retail banks need to compete and often play catch-up. Still, they acknowledge the need to change, and change fast.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Thus, adopting the same approach is a potent solution for retail banks that aim at adopting the latest trends in the banking industry quickly and impactfully.

Top 10: AR Apps in the History of Mobile

Whether you are building an enterprise web portal or a state-of-the-art website, you always need the right modern tools. Well-built and maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing maintained PHP frameworks provide those tools in abundance, allowing developers to save time, re-use code, and streamline the back end. As software development tools continuously change to follow the latest. Despite the competition from startups and the ever-present economic challenges, the banking industry is gradually adopting what the latest technologies have to offer.

From cloud technology to cyber risk management to machine learning in investment banking, join us as we explore the banking industry trends for 2019 and beyond. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Cloud Technology as New Foundation

Cloud has become the new normal for nine of ten enterprises across industries. The average IT environment in both SMBs and larger companies is becoming increasingly cloud-based. Companies also diversify their delivery models, with Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) and Platform as a Service (PaaS) gaining more and more traction. Plus, a slew of new job positions have emerged to manage different aspects of cloud in the enterprise, including architecture and safety.

One of the new trends in the banking industry, ensuring fail-safe security will also be a core question regardless of the type of a cloud solution and its scale. Cloud is one of the current banking industry trends as well. It is expected that the technology will serve as a foundation for core modernization of banking organizations.

Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Existing risk management systems at banking organizations might not be ready to face the challenges of the rapidly changing world. Poised to become the top banking industry trends for 2019 and years to come, AI-driven solutions with machine and deep learning algorithms provide a solution. As for cyber risk management, experts at Deloitte point at the following trends in the banking industry:

  1. Strengthen basic controls like IT asset, patch, and vulnerability management to identify and manage risks related to implementation of cloud and migration to open architecture.
  2. Use analytics tools and AI with security in mind.
  3. Build an IT infrastructure with security as a top priority: it should be able to withstand systematic attacks and long stress periods.
Risk Management Banking Industry Trends

Fintechs and nonbanks now have a substantial influence in the banking industry. They are highly agile, innovative, and aim at exceeding the demands of modern customers in banking services and experiences. Established retail banks need to compete and often play catch-up. Still, they acknowledge the need to change, and change fast.

There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

– Paul Tournier

Thus, adopting the same approach is a potent solution for retail banks that aim at adopting the latest trends in the banking industry quickly and impactfully.